Month: May 2009

upcoming show in Cleveland

nice to rejoin the world again! Been ridiculously busy ! (possibly because I am not such a great time manager)

I am all ready for the group show "There goes the Neighborhood" at The Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland in which I will have 6 paintings, 4 of them brand spanking new.

The artists in the show besides me are:
Willie Birch, Kristin Bly, Cao Fei, Dionisio Gonzàlez, Leslie Grant and Nina Pessin-Whedbee, Matthew Kolodziej, Eva Struble, Clemens von Wedemeyer, Catherine Yass

Matthew Kolodziej and Kristen Bly are also based in Cleveland.

I updated my website finally if you care to see the new work:

The show at MOCA Cleveland opens June 5th, if you are reading this in Cleveland and want to stop by.

Also I am pleased to say that I was awarded the Cleveland Arts Prize this year as an emerging artist.  I am proud to represent! yay Cleveland!